If you’re responsible for generating revenue online, you’ve likely already tried running Google Ads.
But maybe your results have been less than stellar. Or even, dare we say, dire.
You have something great to sell. You’ve heard of people doing incredibly well with Google Ads. But when it’s time for you to run and manage ad campaigns … you freeze up.
“The nagging feeling when you try to use Adwords, the thought of ‘this will throw money down the drain’ pops up instantly.”
“Tired of the nitty gritty of setting up the campaign, finding the hard-to-understand jargons are overwhelming.”
Not knowing what Google Ads is at all! “How do I have to do to pull some strangers to my website with this techie stuff? It’s easier just to keep busy posting on Facebook… or instagramming my OOTD… or doing anything to avoid running paid ads….”
Even still, is it fair to say this: You haven’t given up on Google Ads because you KNOW you’ll have real growth power at your hands if you can get a firm grip on paid advertising…
But you are too busy running business and operation every day. You can’t keep up with the fast pace of the world of marketing. You need experts to help.